SystemThree Silvertip QuikFair Fairing Putty is great for filling small dents and cracks in your wooden paddles and oars. Quick and easy to use for your DIY repairs. We recommend applying Spar Varnish once the epoxy is fully cured for added protection.
QuikFair is a lightweight, micro-balloon-filled, fast-curing two-part epoxy fairing putty with excellent moisture resistance. The two color-coded parts have a non-sagging, butter-like consistency and are easily mixed to form a third color.
At 77°F QuikFair is sufficiently cured to be hand-sanded in 3 hours or machine sanded in 4 hours.
MSDS Part A | MSDS Part B | Technical Data Sheet
**Corrosive - Ground Ship Only**
- Marine grade two-part epoxy putty
- Lightweight
- Fast curing (3-4 hours)
- Excellent moisture resistance
- Contains no lead or mercury